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Celebrating the human touch

Jul 2, 2019

Every day, dedicated individuals who work and volunteer in the healthcare system provide extraordinary and compassionate care to patients and families across Ontario. The Human Touch Awards are an opportunity to recognize and celebrate a few of these unsung heroes on the front lines of the cancer and kidney care systems.

These awards highlight the importance of providing emotional support to people with cancer and kidney disease, in addition to the medical treatment they already receive.

We are honoured to celebrate the recipients of the 2019 Human Touch Awards:

·Barb Lather, whose dedication to helping others with cancer continued even during her own bouts with the disease.

·Champlain Indigenous Cancer Program, which has been driving system-level change to improve the patient experience of First Nation, Inuit, Métis and urban Indigenous people living with cancer.

·Marsha Butler, who helped develop a unique pilot project to train volunteers to support critically ill patients with cancer and their families.

·Dr. Michelle Prince, a dedicated community champion, relentless advocate for patients with cancer, and an active volunteer and mentor.

·Nancy McMillan, chair of an annual volunteer-operated event that has raised more than $3.5 million for breast cancer research.

·Bridget Turner, whose skill and leadership ensure a nephrology satellite program runs smoothly for patients in northern Ontario.

·Dr. Seychelle Yohanna, whose efforts have improved the experience of living kidney donors.

·Janice McCallum, a passionate believer in involving patients in the direction of their own kidney care.

·Sarah Aly, whose care for patients on dialysis goes well beyond the expectations and responsibilities of most volunteers.

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