Cancer Care Ontario Organization
Cancer Care Ontario’s work is organized into portfolios, each with its own programs and initiatives. They are guided by a common mission to work together to improve the performance of the cancer system in Ontario.
Clinical Programs and Quality Initiatives
The Clinical Programs and Quality Initiatives portfolio leads Cancer Care Ontario’s interactions with cancer clinicians. It lays out best practices for the cancer system and works with Regional Cancer Programs to implement and monitor those best practices.
The portfolio is responsible for the following:
Planning and Regional Programs
The Planning and Regional Programs portfolio is responsible for long-term planning of the cancer system to meet current and future patient needs. It supports the Regional Cancer Programs and acts as the connector between the Regional Cancer Programs and the rest of Cancer Care Ontario.
The portfolio’s responsibilities include:
- producing the Ontario Cancer Plan every 4 years
- working with clinical programs to plan for specific cancer services
- providing planning support to a wide variety of clinical areas and Regional Cancer Programs
- leading development of new funding models for specific cancer services
- working on cancer system workforce planning, policy and strategy
- supporting the Regional Cancer Programs and individual hospitals through funding allocations and performance management processes
- monitoring wait times for cancer services and addressing issues that prevent timely access
Prevention and Cancer Control
The Prevention and Cancer Control portfolio helps reduce the number of cancer cases and cancer-related deaths in Ontario.
The portfolio is responsible for the following:
- Population Health & Prevention Unit
- Screening Programs
- Primary Care Programs
- Aboriginal Cancer Control Unit
Analytics and Informatics
The Analytics and Informatics portfolio provides high-quality information to support informed, evidence-based decision-making among internal and external partners. Its work supports Cancer Care Ontario, Access to Care, and the Ontario Renal Network. The portfolio works with decision-makers across the healthcare system to acquire, transform and manage meaningful, quality data. It also provides information and analysis required to meet growing demands for greater accountability, better outcomes and improved patient experience.
The portfolio is responsible for the following:
- Analytics and business intelligence
- Data assets
- Data governance
- Information programs
- Research Office
- Data and Research Programs
- Data strategy and engagement