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PET Scans Ontario

The PET Scans Ontario program works with the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care to coordinate PET scan services across the province. The program is guided by the provincial PET Steering Committee, an interdisciplinary group of experts. The committee reviews scientific evidence and makes recommendations to the ministry. This helps make sure access to PET services is supported by the best available research.


  • Improve transparency, accountability and equity of PET scan services
  • Continually review research to make sure PET scan use is based on the best available evidence

Key Initiatives

  • House the secretariat for the provincial PET Steering Committee
  • Oversee the PET Registry, which makes PET scans available to patients in cases where evidence is too weak to support funding through the Ontario Health Insurance Program (OHIP)
  • Oversee the PET Access Program, which considers case-by-case requests from physicians for PET scans where patients do not meet requirements under OHIP, the PET registry or clinical trials
  • Support PET clinical trials approved by the PET Steering Committee and conducted by the Ontario Clinical Oncology Group
  • Fund uninsured PET scan services for eligible patients, including the PET Registry, the PET Access Program, and selected clinical trials.

To learn more, visit the PET Scans Ontario website.