Chronic Disease Prevention at CCO: 2015 to 2018
This document reports on our work toward achieving the goals in the Chronic Disease Prevention Strategy. The report includes CCO, Cancer Care Ontario and Ontario Renal Network initiatives put in place between April 1, 2015 and March 31, 2018.
- Launched the Prevention System Quality Index reports. These reports promote improvements in chronic disease prevention. They monitor public policies and programs that help reduce people’s risk of developing cancer.
- Launched Path to Prevention—Recommendations for Reducing Chronic Disease in First Nations, Inuit and Métis. The recommendations address risk factors as well as equity and collaboration.
- Released the Ontario Food and Nutrition Strategy, a plan for healthy food and food systems in Ontario. This plan, developed with partners, uses a cross-government, cross-sectoral, coordinated approach to developing food policy.
- Integrated smoking cessation programs into regional cancer centres. As a result, more people with cancer are being screened for tobacco use.
- Developed My CancerIQ, an evidence-based online cancer risk assessment tool. Ontarians use the tool to learn about their risk for melanoma, female breast, cervical, colorectal, kidney and lung cancers.
- Launched the Lung Cancer Screening Pilot for People at High Risk. This pilot will help determine how best to implement organized lung cancer screening for people at high risk across Ontario.