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PET Steering Committee

A provincial PET Steering Committee identifies emerging indications for the use of PET scanning, reviews scientific evidence and makes recommendations on the appropriate use of PET as a diagnostic or treatment assessment tool for patients.

Terms of Reference

How We Review Indications

Regular review of the evidence identifies and evaluates emerging indications – clinical situations where PET may impact patient care. These reviews help make sure we continue to meet the needs of Ontario patients.

The PET Steering Committee’s recommendations about the appropriate use of PET are based on review of:

  • evidence in the scientific literature
  • outcomes data from Ontario’s evidence-building programs, such as the PET Registry
  • engagement with treating clinician experts on the potential impact to patient management

The committee also welcomes recommendations or requests regarding the assessment of potential indications. 

To request a review of emerging evidence please send us an email.

We consider scientific evidence

  • Evidence from scientific literature is considered based on the potential impact of PET on patient management.
  • Results from methodologically rigorous large studies are considered stronger evidence than results from less rigorous and/or smaller studies.
  • Special consideration may be given for indications with weak but compelling evidence (e.g., retrospective studies or smaller cohort trials with demonstration of significant impact on patient care).
  • Evidence of sensitivity, specificity or accuracy alone – without evidence of impact on patient management – is not sufficient to recommend an indication.

We prioritize based on impact

If the committee must decide which indications to review in which order, it will:

  • prioritize indications that affect larger patient populations and/or with greater potential impact on patient care
  • consider the date the request was submitted

Contact Us

Please do not send us your medical information – including healthcare number, diagnosis, treatment plans – or other personal information or attachments.

If you have questions about the role of the PET Steering Committee, or to request copies of previous PET Steering Committee meeting minutes, please send us an email.