Welcome to the new CCO websites
nov 6, 2017

Our websites have been completely redesigned to be mobile-friendly, accessible to everyone and to make it as easy as possible for you to quickly find what you need.
They aim to give you an improved experience, but still have everything you have come to expect from us, as well as a new and expanded focus on all of our operations.
This site has a broad focus, including information about our work in the healthcare system and information about us as an organization. On it, you will find information about:
How we work
- The cancer and renal system plans that guide our work
- Our partnerships with other organizations to improve the healthcare of Ontarians
Our organization
- Access media releases and backgrounders
- Explore career opportunities at CCO
Which data we collect and how we use it
- Our process for collecting, storing and reporting on health system data
- How you can access and use this data to better understand the Ontario health system
This site has a cancer focus, with information such as clinical guidelines, drug formulary and information about our cancer programs. You'll find:
- Information about types of cancer and cancer treatment
- Cancer screening: information to keep you informed about how and where to get screened
- Maps and locations for cancer-related services
- Cancer care resources and tools for patients and their families
Questions or comments about this post? Contact us at publicaffairs@cancercare.on.ca