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CCO Health System Plans

Health System Plans

For more than 75 years, CCO has supported steady and significant progress in the health system for the people of Ontario.

This progress has largely been driven by multi-year provincial system plans. These plans are an integrating force in Ontario’s complex healthcare system.

In time, CCO’s work will be taken on by Ontario Health, a single agency that will oversee healthcare delivery in the province, improve clinical guidance and support providers to ensure better quality care for patients.

The fifth Ontario Cancer Plan, third Ontario Renal Plan and first Access to Care Plan will provide direction on key areas of focus for 2019 to 2023.

With clear goals and strategic objectives, the plans help the government direct major initiatives and make funding decisions to focus efforts where they are most needed. They were developed in consultation with many partners, including patients and caregivers.

Learn more about Ontario’s health system plans in a blog by Michael Sherar, President and CEO, CCO.

Supporting Progress

Bringing Ontario’s health system plans to life relies on:

  • strong focus on using data and information to measure and manage performance in cancer, chronic kidney disease and access to care
  • broad engagement with partners, including clinical experts, hospital administrators, government, Indigenous communities, and patients and families
  • reliance on best evidence in decision-making
  • clear network of accountability for putting programs, policies and projects into action
  • deep-rooted commitment to improving quality of care for the people of Ontario

Companion Reports

Radiation Treatment Implementation Plan - This companion report to the Ontario Cancer Plan identifies areas of focus to support safe, accessible, high-quality radiation treatment for all Ontarians.

Systemic Treatment Implementation Plan - This companion report to the Ontario Cancer Plan outlines targeted initiatives to improve the quality, safety and accessibility of systemic treatment across Ontario.

Indigenous Cancer Strategy – This companion report to the Ontario Cancer Plan provides a road map for improving cancer system performance for First Nations, Inuit, Métis and urban Indigenous people in Ontario.