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Patient-Reported Outcomes – Orthopedic (Hip & Knee)

The Patient-Reported Outcomes Program improves quality of life for patients and their families by integrating the collection of patient-reported outcomes into routine clinical care. This helps patients to be more involved in their own care by systematically reporting their symptoms in real time. Their healthcare teams can then provide the right care at the right time to help manage those symptoms.

We are working in partnership with the Ministry of Health to expand patient-reported outcomes collection to orthopedic procedures. This involves facilitating the collection of data from people having elective hip or knee replacement (orthopedic) surgery.

By filling out a short survey, patients can report on their pain, functional status, overall quality of life and orthopedic care.

Patient-reported outcomes are also systematically collected across cancer clinics in Ontario. Visit the Patient Reported Outcomes and Symptom Management Program to learn more.


  • To measure and collect data on the pain, functional status and overall quality of life of individuals undergoing hip and knee replacement surgery
  • To use collected data to assess surgical outcomes in accordance with the Quality-Based Procedure for orthopedic patients, as overseen by the Ministry of Health
  • Provide data to the Canadian Institute for Health Information to conduct comparative reporting of provincial, national and international outcomes

As a Health Information Network Provider under Ontario Regulation 329/04, we receive hip and knee patient-reported outcomes data from participating orthopedic clinics. We make this information available through a secure database called ISAAC. For more information, please send us an email.