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This website (CCO Health) will no longer be updated and will be phased out soon. You may find what you are looking for at Ontario Health. Please note that Cancer Care Ontario and the Ontario Renal Network websites will continue to operate.

Freedom of Information Requests

CCO is subject to Ontario's Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FIPPA). FIPPA provides the public with a right to access information we hold, with limited exemptions. It protects the privacy of individuals whose personal information we hold, and provides them with a right to access their own personal information.

Make a Request

Download and complete the Freedom of Information request form. You must clearly identify the records you are seeking. Be sure to include your contact information.

  1. Prepare a cheque or money order for $5 payable to “Ministry of Finance.” The $5 application fee is mandatory and non-refundable.
  2. Submit your completed Freedom of Information request form and the $5 application fee to: 

FIPPA Coordinator, Legal & Privacy Office
Cancer Care Ontario
525 University Avenue, 5th Floor
Toronto, ON  M5G 2L3

We will send you a written acknowledgement when we receive your application.




Under the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FIPPA), CCO may charge additional fees to process your request. These may include:

  • Search fees of $7.50 per quarter hour ($30 per hour) for searching for and preparing a record for disclosure
  • Photocopying charges of $0.20 per page and $10 per CD
  • Other charges, if incurred, will be provided in an invoice

We will let you know if the processing fees exceed $25. You will be asked to pay a deposit of 50% if the estimated processing cost exceeds $100. We will let you know whether any exemptions under FIPPA might apply to the records you are requesting so that you can make an informed decision on whether or not to pay the deposit.

Right of Appeal

If your request is denied, you can appeal the decision. You may also appeal the decision to charge a fee.

To submit an appeal, send the following to the Information and Privacy Commissioner of Ontario:

  • a copy of your original request
  • a copy of CCO's response
  • an appeal fee of $10 for personal information requests and $25 for general information requests

To send your appeal or for more information about appeals, contact: 

Information and Privacy Commissioner of Ontario
2 Bloor Street East, Suite 1400
Toronto, ON M4W 1A8
Phone: 416-326-3333
Toll-free (Ontario only): 1-800-387-0073

Contact & Resources

Contact the CCO Legal & Privacy Office

If you have questions, contact the FIPPA Coordinator:

Phone: 647-749-1851

Background Resources