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Oncology Indications for PET Scans

The following oncology indications are funded for PET scanning in Ontario based on the eligibility criteria listed.

For patients who may benefit from a PET scan, but do not meet the eligibility criteria to receive a PET scan for one of the listed indications, referring physicians may wish to apply for a PET scan for their patient through the PET Access Program (see sidebar for referral form).

Breast Cancer

(See sidebar for Breast Requisition.)

Locally advanced invasive ductal breast cancer

Eligibility criteria:

  • PET for the staging of patients with histologically confirmed clinical stage 2b or stage 3 breast cancer being considered for curative intent combined modality treatment; and/or repeat PET on completion of neoadjuvant therapy, prior to surgery (when there is clinical suspicion of progression)
  • PET for re-staging of patients with locoregional recurrence, after primary treatment, being considered for ablative or salvage therapy.

Oligometastatic invasive ductal breast cancer

Eligibility criteria: PET for staging or re-staging of patients with oligometastatic disease (4 or fewer metastases) on conventional imaging prior to radical intent or ablative therapy.


(See sidebar for Melanoma Requisition.)

Melanoma (Staging)

Eligibility Criteria: PET for the staging of patients with localized “high risk” melanoma, or for the evaluation of patients with isolated melanoma metastases when surgery or other ablative therapies are being considered.

Metastatic Melanoma (Immunotherapy)

Eligibility criteria:

  • Baseline staging: PET for the staging of patients before starting immunotherapy; or for patients who are receiving immunotherapy and have not previously had a baseline PET
  • Early response assessment: PET after 2 to 4 cycles of immunotherapy for early response assessment of patients with metastatic melanoma currently receiving immunotherapy
  • End of therapy response assessment: PET for response assessment of patients with metastatic melanoma at end of immunotherapy

Gastrointestinal Cancers

(See sidebar for Gastrointestinal Requisition.)

Esophageal or GE Junction

Eligibility Criteria: PET for baseline staging assessment of those patients diagnosed with esophageal/GE Junction cancer being considered for curative therapy and/or repeat PET/CT scan on completion of pre-operative/ neoadjuvant therapy, prior to surgery; or for re-staging of patients with locoregional recurrence, after primary treatment, being considered for definitive salvage therapy.

Colorectal (apparent limited metastatic)

Eligibility Criteria: PET for the staging or re-staging of patients with apparent limited metastatic disease (e.g., organ-restricted liver or lung metastases) or limited local recurrence, who are being considered for radical intent therapy

Note: as chemotherapy may affect the sensitivity of the PET scan, it is strongly recommended to schedule PET at least 6 weeks after last chemotherapy, if possible.

Colorectal (Recurrent)

Eligibility Criteria: PET where recurrent disease is suspected on the basis of an elevated and/or rising carcinoembryronic antigen (CEA) level(s) during follow-up after surgical resection but standard imaging tests are negative or equivocal.

Anal canal (staging or re-staging)

Eligibility criteria: PET for the initial staging of patients with clinical stage II-IV squamous cell carcinoma of the anal canal, or when conventional imaging is equivocal for a specific stage; or for re-staging of patients with limited recurrence, after primary treatment, being considered for definitive salvage therapy.

Genitourinary (GU) Cancers

Bladder (muscle invasive)

(See sidebar for Genitourinary Requisition.)

Eligibility criteria: PET for the staging of patients with newly diagnosed muscle-invasive urothelial carcinoma of the bladder being considered for curative intent treatment with either radical cystectomy or radiation-based bladder preservation therapy; TNM stage T2a-T4a, N0-3, M0

Note: for patients with M1a or M1b disease, apply for a PET scan through the PET Access Program

Germ cell tumours (recurrent/persistent disease)

(See sidebar for Genitourinary Requisition.)

Eligibility criteria: 

  • PET where recurrent disease is suspected on the basis of elevated tumour marker(s) - (beta human chorionic gonadotrophin (HCG) and/or alpha fetoprotein) and standard imaging tests are negative
  • Where persistent disease is suspected on the basis of the presence of a residual mass after primary treatment for seminoma when curative surgical resection is being considered

Prostate (PSMA PET)

(See sidebar for PSMA-PET Request Form and Eligibility Checklist. For cohort 7 patients, PSMA-PET Access Program Request Form and supporting documentation are also required).

Eligibility Criteria: Prostate Specific Membrane Antigen (PSMA) PET in the following patient populations:

  • Initial staging of patients with a new diagnosis of high-risk prostate cancer being considered for radical (curative) therapy

  • Staging of patients with recurrent prostate cancer who fall into one of the following pre-defined cohorts:
    • Post-prostatectomy node positive disease or persistently detectable PSA
    • Biochemical failure post-prostatectomy
    • Biochemical failure following radical prostatectomy followed by adjuvant or salvage radiotherapy
    • Rising PSA post-prostatectomy despite salvage hormone therapy
    • Biochemical failure following treatment for oligometastatic disease
    • Biochemical failure following primary radiotherapy
    • Rising PSA and/or progression on conventional imaging despite prior second line hormone therapy or chemotherapy for castrate resistant prostate cancer
    • Where confirmation of site of disease and/or disease extent may impact clinical management over and above the information provided by conventional imaging (requires a case-by-case review)


Gynecological Cancers

(See sidebar for Gynecology Oncology Requisition.)

Cervical cancer (staging)

Eligibility criteria: PET for the staging of locally advanced cervical cancer when:

  • CT/MR shows positive or indeterminate pelvic nodes (>7mm and/or suspicious morphology)
  • CT/MR shows borderline or suspicious para-aortic
  • CT/MR shows suspicious or indeterminate distant metastases (e.g., chest nodules)

Gynecology (recurrent, prior to salvage therapy)

Eligibility criteria: PET for re-staging of patients with recurrent gynecologic malignancies under consideration for radical salvage surgery (e.g., pelvic exenteration)

Head & Neck Cancers

(See sidebar for Head & Neck PET Request Form.)

Unknown primary

Eligibility criteria: PET for the evaluation of metastatic squamous cell carcinoma in neck nodes when the primary disease site is unknown after standard radiologic and clinical investigation 

Note: a panendoscopy is NOT required prior to the PET scan

Nasopharyngeal (baseline staging)

Eligibility criteria: PET for the staging of nasopharyngeal cancer

Note: for cervical esophageal cancer, see Gastrointestinal Cancers.

Head & Neck node positive (baseline staging)

Eligibility criteria: PET for the baseline staging of node positive (N1-N3) H&N cancer where PET will impact radiation therapy (e.g., radiation volume or dose)

Head & Neck (re-staging after chemoradiotherapy)

Eligibility criteria: PET to assess patients with N1-N3 metastatic squamous-cell carcinoma of the head and neck after chemoradiation (HPV negative); or who have residual neck nodes equal to or greater than 1.5 cm on re-staging CT performed 10 to12 weeks post therapy (HPV positive).

Thyroid (recurrent)

Eligibility criteria: PET where recurrent or persistent disease is suspected on the basis of elevated and/or rising tumour markers (e.g., thyroglobulin) with negative or equivocal conventional imaging work-up.

Anaplastic Thyroid (staging)

Eligibility Criteria: PET for the staging of histologically proven anaplastic thyroid cancer with negative or equivocal conventional imaging work-up.

Medullary Thyroid (staging & recurrent)

Eligibility Criteria: PET for the baseline staging of histologically proven medullary thyroid cancer being considered for curative intent therapy  or where recurrent disease is suspected on the basis of elevated and/or rising tumour markers (e.g., calcitonin) with negative or equivocal conventional imaging work-up.

Esophageal or GE Junction

Eligibility Criteria: PET for baseline staging assessment of those patients diagnosed with esophageal/GE Junction cancer being considered for curative therapy and/or repeat PET/CT scan on completion of pre-operative/ neoadjuvant therapy, prior to surgery; or for re-staging of patients with locoregional recurrence, after primary treatment, being considered for definitive salvage therapy.

Hematological Cancers


(See sidebar for Lymphoma Requisition.)

Eligibility criteria:

  • Staging: PET for the baseline staging of patients with Hodgkin’s or non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma
  • Interim response assessment for Hodgkin’s lymphoma: PET for the assessment of response in Hodgkin's lymphoma following two (2) or three (3) cycles of chemotherapy when curative therapy is being considered.
  • Interim response assessment for non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma (pediatrics only, under 18 years old; or 18 to 20 years old and treated at a pediatric centre): PET for the assessment of response in non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma after a minimum of two (2) cycles of chemotherapy when curative therapy is being considered.
  • End of therapy response assessment:
    • PET for the evaluation of residual mass(es) or lesion(s) (e.g., bone) following chemotherapy in a patient with Hodgkin's or non-Hodgkin's lymphoma when further potentially curative therapy (such as radiation or stem cell transplantation) is being considered; OR
    • PET to assess response to chimeric antigen receptor (CAR) T-cell therapy, ninety (90) days post transfusion

Myeloma or plasmacytoma

(See sidebar for Multiple Myeloma/Plasmacytoma Requisition.)

Eligibility criteria: To evaluate the impact of PET on the management of patients with plasmacytoma or myeloma for the following indications:

  • Solitary plasmacytoma: For patients with presumed solitary plasmacytoma who are candidates for curative intent radiotherapy [to determine whether solitary or multifocal/extensive disease]
  • Smoldering myeloma: Workup of patients with smoldering myeloma [to determine whether smoldering or active myeloma]
  • Nonsecretory myeloma, oligosecretory myeloma, or POEMS (polyneuropathy, organomegaly, endocrinopathy, monoclonal protein, skin changes): Baseline staging and response assessment
  • Newly-Diagnosed Secretory Multiple Myeloma: Workup of patients with newly-diagnosed secretory multiple myeloma

Neuroendocrine Tumours (NETs)


(See sidebar for Ga68-DOTATATE Requisition.)


Eligibility criteria:


  • PET for the evaluation of a pancreatic, small bowel or mesenteric mass with findings suggestive of a NET (e.g., hypervascular pancreatic mass, desmoplastic mesenteric mass) on conventional imaging
  • PET for the evaluation of extra-adrenal mass (e.g., carotid body nodule), with conventional imaging and/or elevated biomarkers suggestive of a pheochromocytoma/paraganglioma (PPGL)
  • PET for a patient with a genetic syndrome predisposing to NETs and a biochemical and/or morphological suspicion of a NET in whom PET results would measurably impact management

Special Considerations for Diagnosis:

  • Patients with a suspicious mass in another anatomical location (e.g., lung) without elevated biochemical markers should be considered for further workup and/or biopsy before the PET. PET could be considered after a failed biopsy or if a biopsy is not feasible.
  • Patients with a pancreatic tail mass suggestive of a NET should have a Tc-99m Sulpha Colloid or Red Blood Cell scan to exclude intrapancreatic accessory spleen as both can present Ga-68 DOTATATE avid.

Initial staging:

Note: Initial staging PET scans should be requested within 1 year from the initial diagnosis.

  • PET for a histologically proven well-differentiated NET (G1-G3), including unknown primary, or pheochromocytoma/paraganglioma (PPGL)
  • PET for a histologically proven medullary thyroid cancer being considered for curative intent therapy

Special Considerations for Initial Staging:

  • PET is not appropriate for patients with Type 1 Gastric NET, neuroendocrine carcinomas (NEC) and adenocarcinomas with NET features.
  • Unless there are unique clinical and/or structural concerns, PET is not routinely appropriate for patients with Diffuse idiopathic pulmonary neuroendocrine cell hyperplasia (DIPNECH).
  • PET for the initial staging of a patient with an appendiceal NET should be considered when there are positive lymph nodes, the tumour is greater than 1 cm, and/or the tumour is invading through the serosa into the mesoappendix.
  • PET for the initial staging of a patient with medullary thyroid cancer should be considered when the patient has yet to have a thyroidectomy or following it when biomarkers are positive with negative or equivocal structural imaging.


  • PET for a patient with progressive NETs disease and is being considered for publicly funded Peptide Receptor Radionuclide Therapy (PRRT).

Note: For PRRT consideration, a PET scan should be completed within 12 months. However, a more recent PET scan should be considered if there are concerning clinical features (e.g., de-differentiation).

  • New baseline PET scan for patients with new metastatic disease on conventional imaging and/or clinical suspicion of de-differentiation.
  • *PET for a patient with NETs disease when surgery (e.g., de-bulking, focal ablation, liver-directed therapy) is being considered.
  • *PET for a patient with NETs disease where conventional imaging is negative or equivocal at the time of clinical and/or biochemical progression.

(*): These are preliminary indications and are likely to be refined.

  • PET for a patient with medullary thyroid cancer when recurrent disease is suspected on the basis of elevated and/or rising tumour markers (e.g., calcitonin), with negative or equivocal conventional imaging work-up

Special considerations for routine surveillance:

  • Requests for routine surveillance when there is no clinical or biochemical suspicion of recurrence or progression are not eligible.


(See sidebar for Sarcoma Requisition.)

Sarcoma (Initial Staging/Re-staging)

Eligibility criteria: PET for the initial staging of patients with histologically confirmed high grade (≥ Grade 2), or ungradable, soft tissue or bone sarcomas, when conventional workup is negative or equivocal for metastatic disease, prior to curative intent therapy; OR for re-staging of patients with suspicion of, or histologically confirmed, recurrent sarcoma (local recurrence of limited metastatic disease) when radical salvage therapy is being considered.

Plexiform Neurofibromas (Diagnosis)

Eligibility criteria: PET for patients with suspicion of malignant transformation of plexiform neurofibromas

Thoracic Cancers

(See sidebar for Thoracic Requisition.)

Esophageal or GE Junction

Eligibility criteria: PET for baseline staging assessment of those patients diagnosed with esophageal/GE Junction cancer being considered for curative therapy and/or repeat PET/CT scan on completion of pre-operative/ neoadjuvant therapy, prior to surgery; or for re-staging of patients with locoregional recurrence, after primary treatment, being considered for definitive salvage therapy.

Lung – non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC; clinical stage I-III)

Eligibility criteria:

  • PET for initial staging of patients with NSCLC (clinical stage I – III) being considered for potentially curative therapy
  • for re-staging of patients with locoregional recurrence, after primary treatment, being considered for definitive salvage therapy OR
  • for staging of patients with oligometastatic NSCLC being considered for definitive local therapy.

Note: Histological proof is not required prior to PET if there is high clinical suspicion for NSCLC (e.g., based on patient history and/or prior imaging)

Note: PET is appropriate for patients with either histological proof of locoregional recurrence or strong clinical and radiological suspicion of recurrence who are being considered for definitive salvage therapy

Lung – small cell lung cancer (SCLC; clinical stage I-III)

Eligibility criteria: PET for initial staging of patients with limited disease SCLC where combined modality therapy with chemotherapy and radiotherapy is being considered

Lung – solitary pulmonary nodule (SPN)

Eligibility criteria: PET for a semi-solid or solid lung nodule for which a diagnosis could not be established by a needle biopsy due to unsuccessful attempted needle biopsy; the SPN is inaccessible to needle biopsy; or the existence of a contra-indication to the use of needle biopsy

Lung – mesothelioma

Eligibility criteria: PET for the staging of patients with histologic confirmation of malignant mesothelioma

Pediatric Oncology

Pediatric Oncology Registry

To submit Pediatric Oncology Registry referrals, you must log in to the PET Scans Ontario E-Tool.

Eligibility criteria: Pediatric Registry Indications (data collection/partnership with the Pediatric Oncology Group of Ontario):

  • For the following cancer types (ICCC – International Classification of Childhood Cancer):
    • Bone/cartilage – osteosarcoma, Ewing sarcoma
    • Connective/other soft tissue – rhabdomyosarcoma, other
    • Kidney – renal tumour
    • Liver – hepatic tumour
    • Primary brain – astrocytoma, medulloblastoma, ependymoma, other
    • Reproductive – germ cell tumour
    • Sympathetic nervous system – neuroblastoma MIBG negative
    • Other – LCH, melanoma of the skin, thyroid
  • For the following indications:
    • Initial staging
    • Monitoring response during treatment or determine response-based therapy
    • Rule out progression prior to further therapy
    • Suspected recurrence or relapse
    • Rule out persistent disease
    • Select optimal biopsy site