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This website (CCO Health) will no longer be updated and will be phased out soon. You may find what you are looking for at Ontario Health. Please note that Cancer Care Ontario and the Ontario Renal Network websites will continue to operate.

Access Data

CCO collects and manages one of the most comprehensive healthcare data sets in Canada. Data and analytics are essential to meeting the growing demand for greater health system accountability, better health outcomes and improved patient experience. 

Data Holdings

Our data holdings store information collected from healthcare service providers across Ontario. This information enables us to:

  • plan and fund healthcare services
  • develop evidence-based guidance, tools and advice
  • monitor and manage the performance of the cancer, renal and other selected healthcare systems

These are some of the most commonly requested data sets:

Cancer Activity Level Reporting (ALR)

This data set represents the basic elements required to produce the quality, cost and performance indicators for Ontario's cancer system.

Data elements include:

  • patient-level activity focused on radiation and systemic therapy services
  • outpatient oncology clinic visits

This data set contains screening Pap tests as reported by participating labs.

Data elements include:

  • test requester
  • test results
  • demographic information
  • test location
Discharge Abstract Database (DAD)

This data set contains summary diagnostic and treatment information about inpatient health services in Ontario hospitals (including acute care, chronic care and rehabilitation care).


Data elements include:

  • administrative data
  • demographic data
  • clinical data

This database contains pathology reports submitted from public and commercial laboratories.


Data elements include:

  • patient
  • facility
  • report details
  • tumour identifiers such as site, histology and behaviour
National Ambulatory Care Reporting System (NACRS) This data set contains summary diagnostic and treatment information about patients who have received outpatient surgery or selected other treatments in Ontario hospitals (including chemotherapy, emergency department visits, dialysis and cardiology).
New Drug Funding Program (NDFP) Data This database contains treatment information about systemic therapy drug use at Ontario hospitals for which reimbursement is being sought. Data are collected to reimburse hospitals for those patients who have met the eligibility criteria.
Ontario Drug Benefit (ODB)

The Ontario Drug Benefit program provides drug benefits for all adults ages 65 and older, and those receiving social assistance in Ontario. Pharmacists submit claims for each prescribed drug that is covered under the Ontario Drug Benefit formulary. These claims form the basis of the data set.


Data elements include:

  • drug identifier
  • long-term care indicator
  • patient, pharmacy and physician identifiers
Symptom Management Database Your Symptoms Matter, also known as Interactive Symptom Assessment and Collection, is a web-based symptom screening tool provided by Cancer Care Ontario to healthcare providers (and their patients, where available) to monitor patients’ symptoms. This database contains data used to improve symptom management and collaborative palliative care planning through earlier identification, documentation and communication of patient symptoms and performance status.
Ontario Cancer Registry (OCR) The Ontario Cancer Registry is the provincial database of information for all Ontario residents who have been diagnosed with cancer (incidence) or who have died of cancer (mortality). Data are collected from hospitals, regional cancer centres, pathology reports and death certificates, and cover the entire province of Ontario.
Ontario Renal Reporting System (ORRS) This data set includes chronic kidney disease data related to pre-dialysis, acute dialysis and chronic dialysis. These patient-level data are reported on a monthly basis and are used by hospitals, providers, policy-makers, administrative planners and researchers.
Registered Persons Database (RPDB)

This database is a listing of all persons insured under the Ontario Health Insurance Plan. The data is used to ensure that individuals in other data sources are identified correctly, and to support analysis by demographic groups and geography.

Data elements include:

  • Ontario Health Insurance Number
  • administrative data
  • demographic data
Colonoscopy Interim Reporting Tool (CIRT)

This data set contains colonoscopy procedure information as reported by participating hospitals for use in the ColonCancerCheck screening program.

Data elements include:

  • program participant
  • referral physician
  • procedure details
Lab Interim Reporting Tool (LIRT)

This data set includes data from ColonCancerCheck program fecal immunological testing kits processed by funded labs.

Data elements include:

  • program participant
  • test requester
  • test results
Wait Time Information System (WTIS) This data set is collected from hospitals in Ontario and contains information related to surgical wait times for Wait 1 and 2. Wait 1 is defined as the wait for a consultation with a clinician. Wait 2 is defined as the time between a consultation and the surgical or diagnostic imaging procedure.