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Human Touch Awards: Nominations are now open

Jan 15, 2018

CCO Blog Team

Since the Human Touch Awards were introduced in 2007, we have recognized more than 80 unsung heroes in the cancer and kidney care systems.

These award recipients show the power of compassion. They make a meaningful difference in our province's healthcare system, affecting and improving the daily experiences of patients and their families.

And now, nominations are open for this year's awards.

Do you know someone who deserves to be honoured? All part-time and full-time healthcare professionals, providers and volunteers who work directly with patients receiving cancer or kidney care are eligible.

This year, we are excited to introduce a new online form, which simplifies the nomination process. Guides to using the new form and preparing your nomination for submission are available for both the cancer care and kidney care categories.

'Quality, passion & compassion'

The nominations we receive every year highlight individuals that have gone above and beyond in their role for Ontario patients. These four stories of last year's nominees demonstrate the deep empathy and exceptional efforts on display daily in our province.

The difficult task of selecting award recipients falls upon a panel of regionally diverse and interdisciplinary members with representation from the cancer and kidney care communities. This panel includes clinicians, patient and family advisors, social workers, past award recipients, volunteers, administrators and members of associated organizations.

Selection panel co-chair Neil Johnson, Cancer Care Ontario’s Vice President, Cancer Services, South West Regional Cancer Program says that reviewing the nominations is "a real privilege and treat" each year.

"When you read the nominations, you get a clear perspective on the quality, passion and compassion of the many people who work in the cancer and renal systems as providers and volunteers," says Johnson.

"It reinforces the fact that, each and every day, we make a positive difference in the lives of many people facing cancer and kidney disease."

Nomination deadline is March 7

The 2018 Human Touch Award recipients will be announced in June, but nominations close on March 7.

We hope you'll take the opportunity to highlight those healthcare professionals, providers and volunteers in your life that add that human touch to our kidney and cancer care systems.

Nominate someone today – and help us spread the word!

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