Working together to improve Ontario’s health system
Jun 7, 2019
I am pleased to announce the release of three new provincial health system plans for 2019 to 2023: the Ontario Cancer Plan and Ontario Renal Plan. The cancer and renal plans set the goals, priorities and objectives for improving the provincial cancer and kidney care systems. The Access to Care Plan focuses on improving the access, performance, quality and efficiency of health services.
President & CEO, CCO
Multi-year plans are vital for a system as complex as Ontario’s healthcare system. These plans provide clear direction for CCO and, in time, Ontario Health.* The plans ensure priorities are aligned as we work with health system partners to drive improvements in healthcare services and delivery for current and future patients and to reduce Ontarians’ risk of developing chronic illnesses such as cancer and kidney disease.
Plans build on experience
The three system plans are unified by a common framework that describes a high-quality health system as one that delivers person-centred, safe and effective care in an efficient, equitable and timely manner.
Experience demonstrates the value of developing and implementing comprehensive health system plans. This is the fifth Ontario Cancer Plan since 2005 and the third Ontario Renal Plan since 2012. With each iteration there have been significant improvements in the availability and delivery of high-quality health services.
Despite these advancements, however, there is still much more work to do. The need for healthcare services is rising due to Ontario’s growing and aging population, rising disease burden and constantly evolving health services and technologies. In addition, broad-based change often requires years of collaborative effort to fully implement. Many initiatives carry over from one plan to the next. These plans lay out a clear road map to sustain and improve our health systems over the next four years.
The three system plans were over a year in the making. CCO consulted broadly, gaining insights from frontline healthcare professionals, clinical leaders, regional leaders, the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care, patients and families. Lessons learned from previous plans were assessed, and evidence was incorporated from regional programs, other provinces and countries.
Throughout, the process has been consultative and transparent. We wrote drafts, requested feedback and revised. Open collaboration helps ensure everyone’s full engagement as all parties work together to successfully bring these ambitious plans to life. We are grateful to our many partners across the health system without whom this work would not be possible.
With the collective efforts of all partners – from bedside to boardroom – the goals set out in these plans will be met.
I invite you to explore and learn about these health system plans as Ontario continues to work to create the best health system in the world.
* Ontario Health is a single agency that will take on CCO’s work as part of Ontario Health’s larger mandate to oversee healthcare delivery in Ontario, improve clinical guidance and support providers to ensure better quality care for patients.
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