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This website (CCO Health) will no longer be updated and will be phased out soon. You may find what you are looking for at Ontario Health. Please note that Cancer Care Ontario and the Ontario Renal Network websites will continue to operate.

Neurology Indications for PET Scans

The following neurology indications are funded for PET scanning in Ontario based on the eligibility criteria listed.

For patients who may benefit from a PET scan, but do not meet the eligibility criteria to receive a PET scan for one of the listed indications, referring physicians may wish to apply for a PET scan for their patient through the PET Access Program (see sidebar for referral form).

Epilepsy – Medically-Intractable

(See sidebar for Epilepsy PET Registry Form.)

Eligibility criteria

PET for patients with medically-intractable epilepsy being assessed for epilepsy surgery

Paraneoplastic Syndrome

(See sidebar for Paraneoplastic Syndrome Expedited PET Access Request Form.)

Eligibility criteria

PET for the evaluation of patients with suspected paraneoplastic neurologic syndromes with negative conventional imaging, with or without positive onconeuronal antibodies