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2017 Human Touch Awards Recipients

We celebrate the unsung heroes on the front lines of the cancer and kidney care systems. Every day, these wonderful caregivers exhibit extraordinary and compassionate patient care and we are honoured to recognize the recipients of this year’s Human Touch Award.

Staff Awards

Julie Chaves, Front Registration Clerk, Grand River Hospital

When new cancer patients arrive at Grand River Regional Cancer Centre in Kitchener to register for their first cancer treatment, Julie Chaves is often the first face they see. In an environment that can be overwhelming, emotionally exhausting and stressful, Julie is the beam of light that puts patients at ease as they prepare to undergo treatment for the first time. As the Front Registration Clerk for the past 15 years, she has become a friend to the people she encounters, brightening their days with a colourful personality that matches her equally colourful desk. She makes every effort to get to know the patients at the centre, remembering each person by their name, their individual needs, and welcoming them each time with kindness, warmth and good humour. Julie truly embodies what it means to provide person-centred care, treating each person as an individual rather than just part of a process. Julie has proven to be not only a professional, dependable and trusted employee, but also an inspiration to patients and healthcare providers alike.

Margaret Genna, Team Leader, Chemotherapy Suite, Windsor Regional Hospital


Margaret Genna, or Maggie as she’s called by her colleagues and patients, has been likened to the captain of a ship on more than one occasion. As the Team Leader of the Chemotherapy Suite at Windsor Regional Hospital, Maggie is no stranger to efficiency and attention to detail, often using checklists and worksheets to keep everything running smoothly. She is the go-to person in the suite when it comes to best practices and new education, and despite having worked in cancer care for more than 35 years, she continues to have a passion for finding new and innovative practices. Maggie is deeply committed to educating new nurses in the unit, and has recently revamped the nursing orientation package to ensure new nurses have a solid understanding of both practice and theory. Maggie is a passionate advocate for patient safety, regularly holding safety meetings. At these meetings, she often reviews incidents that have occurred in the unit so the entire team can take away key learnings. Maggie’s commitment to patient care is best defined by a question she often asks herself and her team – “what is the best outcome for our patient?”

Dr. Michael Lock, Radiation Oncologist, London Health Sciences Centre

When it comes to patient care, Dr. Michael Lock has a reputation for going above and beyond. He is dedicated to ensuring each individual patient receives the best possible care and support – even if that means he is the last person in the clinic each night. Dr. Lock is not only a leader in person-centred care, but a firm advocate of improving treatment by continuing to seek new evidence and innovations. He has championed various programs and initiatives to improve the patient’s care, quality of life, and overall experience, and was even one of the first doctors in Canada to treat a liver patient with a new technique called personalized radiobiological guidance. Dr. Lock is also an active proponent of education in radiation oncology. He has personally obtained funding for a fellowship program as well as additional residency positions at the centre, and has supported the development of new curriculum and lectures. He has a true passion for giving back, which is evident in his life outside of the clinic where he is active in various committees and charitable activities. Aside from delivering exceptional care, Dr. Lock is a source of positivity in the lives of his patients and colleagues, bringing kindness, warmth and sincerity to the centre each and every day.

Volunteer Award

Elise Gasbarrino, Founder of Pink Pearl Foundation

As a young woman undergoing cancer treatment in her early 20s, Elise Gasbarrino found that there was something missing from her experience – a way to connect with women her age who were facing similar issues, and to support each other to conquer their issues together. Her recognition of this gap eventually led her to create Pink Pearl Foundation, a not-for-profit organization in the Niagara region that provides support, facilitates connections and empowers women between the ages of 18 and 40 who are working through the social and emotional challenges that come with diagnosis and treatment of cancer. The organization, which was founded 11 years ago, is run entirely by a dedicated group of volunteers who host annual retreats, mixers and family days as well as offering in-hospital support packages and scholarships. Elise spends her days as an Account Executive at Burberry, overseeing the wholesale footwear business for the Americas. She runs Pink Pearl Foundation on an entirely voluntary basis, dedicating her extra time to turning a life-changing diagnosis into a foundation of support for hundreds of women. Elise has a knack for making every woman she meets through her programs feel comfortable, special and empowered.

Debora Prokopich Buzzi, Volunteer, Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Centre

As a breast cancer survivor, Debora Prokopich Buzzi knows firsthand the importance of quality of life and a positive patient experience. Through her dedication and passion, Debora has had a meaningful impact on the lives of cancer patients and healthcare professionals in the Northwest region. She has volunteered with the regional cancer centre for over eight years, contributing as a Patient and Family Advisor in various capacities including participation in over 15 working groups, committees and events and never shying away from making her voice heard on behalf of other cancer patients and survivors. Debora is always looking into new and innovative ways to give back to the cancer community to improve the patient experience and has spent a great amount of her personal time volunteering in the cancer community. Debora approaches every volunteer position with a drive and passion to improve Ontario’s cancer system. Through her vision for a better system, she challenges everyone she collaborates with to work better and to put patients first.

Staff Awards

Deborah Bezaire, Renal Program Manager, London Health Sciences Centre

Deborah Bezaire understands the importance of partnership, particularly when it comes to delivering compassionate person-centred care. As Manager of the Renal Program at the London Health Sciences Centre, Deborah demonstrates leadership and compassionate care on a daily basis to improve the patient and family experience. When the Renal Patient and Family Advisory Council was created at her centre, she took an active role to better understand what compassionate person-centred care really means to herself, her team, and to her patients and their families. She takes the time to listen to patients and families to truly understand their stories, and seeks feedback from both patients and staff to improve care and processes. Deborah is a champion for person-centred care, promoting this in her everyday approach to managing the renal program, and proving to be instrumental in improving the quality of life of her patients. She has been a true partner to renal patients, and has created trusted partnerships with patient advisors and colleagues across the organization.

Dr. Jocelyn Garland, Assistant Professor of Nephrology, Queen’s University

In her role as Assistant Professor of Nephrology at Queen’s University, Dr. Jocelyn Garland is a highly regarded teacher who has received two Department of Medicine awards for her work in teaching medical students. When it comes to patient care, her affinity for taking on a leadership role is no different. Dr. Garland was nominated by the parent of a patient who described an instance where Dr. Garland went “over and above” to save her daughter’s life. While away from the office, Dr. Garland was contacted for her expertise to handle a complex case. Without hesitation, she immediately took on a leadership role directing a multi-specialty team of experts. She proved to be a tireless patient advocate, tapping into all possible resources as she consulted with medical experts from around the world. While advocating medically for the patient, Dr. Garland also took the time to provide the patient with the human touch that was greatly needed during this time, as quoted by the patient, “treating her like a real person.”

Nancy Woodcock, Renal Dietitian, London Health Sciences Centre

Upon graduating from Brescia College with a degree in Food and Nutrition, Nancy Woodcock was hired by London Health Sciences Centre as a clinical dietitian. Thirty-three years later, Nancy is still there – now in a role within the renal department working with hemodialysis, peritoneal dialysis, and advanced stage kidney disease patients. Nancy has developed a reputation as a dedicated and committed team member to both patients and staff. She views patients and their family members as individuals first, treating them with the utmost respect while engaging them in their care. Nancy will do whatever it takes to make sure patient care is the first priority, even if that means she has to hone in on her creativity and think outside the box to achieve the best results for her patients. Nancy’s dedication to patient care is inspiring to her colleagues as she has taken on a number of roles outside of her core responsibilities. This includes active participation in numerous committees, initiatives and research projects – all with the goal of improving the quality of care for patients. Nancy has not only proven to be an expert in her field, but is also a reliable and trusted colleague, and a genuine advocate for patient-centred care who demonstrates compassion and empathy on a daily basis.

Volunteer Award

Vera Buckingham, Volunteer, Ross Memorial Hospital

As a family member of a dialysis patient, Vera Buckingham truly understands the positive impact of peer support. Vera first visited the Renal Program at Ross Memorial Hospital when her husband began receiving hemodialysis treatment, and over the years she has taken the time to support other patients and families in any way that she could. Over the past two years, Vera has volunteered to manage the coffee service provided to patients and families during their dialysis sessions. With a great deal of care, Vera prepares a daily nourishment cart to offer while patients receive their treatments, often taking the time to make homemade treats for the unit. Vera has even been known to research the recipe of a patient’s favourite cookie, and bring in a batch of the homemade treats during her next shift. During a brief absence following her husband’s unfortunate passing, many patients and families expressed how much they missed seeing Vera every day. Despite her loss, Vera returned to her volunteer position and she was greeted by happy faces of both patients and staff alike.

Craig Lindsay, Volunteer, Scarborough and Rouge Regional Nephrology Program

Craig Lindsay’s journey with the Scarborough Regional Nephrology Program began in 2011 as a peritoneal dialysis patient, eventually progressing to home hemodialysis before he received a transplant. Throughout his journey, he has been involved with the peer support program – which he now chairs. He is known for his positive attitude and willingness to share useful information with fellow patients. Aside from his role with the peer support program, he is involved with many other volunteer activities within the hospital, as well as with the Kidney Foundation of Canada. He currently holds a position on the hospital’s Patient and Family Advisory Council (PFAC), and is an active member of the Regional Nephrology program’s PFAC as well. He is always willing to share his personal story and experiences through various speaking engagements, with the goal of providing hope and encouragement to others who are facing the same challenges and struggles.